SuzieQ is an agentless open-source application that collects, normalizes, and stores timestamped network information from multiple vendors. A network engineer can then use the information to verify the health of the network or identify issues quickly.
SuzieQ is a Python module/application that consists of three parts, a poller, a CLI interface, and a GUI interface.
SuzieQ is also packaged as a Docker container, which you can use in this lab to get a quick look into its capabilities.
To use SuzieQ, make sure that the clab is running as above, then change directory to suzieq.
$cd suzieq
suzieq$ ./
Start the Poller to collect information about the devices in the network:
suzieq@b7c0b9263b48:~$ sq-poller -I inventory.yml -c my-config.yml &
Then and start the GUI:
suzieq@b7c0b9263b48:~$ suzieq-gui
Direct you browser to “localhost:8501”. The Streamlit app gives access to various information that the Poller collected earlier.
More detailed information is available via the CLI. Stop the GUI (CTRL-C) and start the CLI and type the command ‘device show’ at the prompt:
suzieq@b7c0b9263b48:~$ suzieq-cli
suzieq> device show
namespace hostname model version vendor architecture status address bootupTimestamp
0 routers leaf01 VX 4.3.0 Cumulus x86_64 alive 2022-11-02 12:04:47+00:00
1 routers leaf02 VX 4.3.0 Cumulus x86_64 alive 2022-11-02 12:04:47+00:00
2 routers leaf03 VX 4.3.0 Cumulus x86_64 alive 2022-11-02 12:04:47+00:00
3 routers spine01 VX 4.3.0 Cumulus x86_64 alive 2022-11-02 12:04:47+00:00
4 routers spine02 VX 4.3.0 Cumulus x86_64 alive 2022-11-02 12:04:47+00:00
5 servers server01 N/A N/A N/A N/A neverpoll server01 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00
6 servers server02 N/A N/A N/A N/A neverpoll server02 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00
7 servers server03 N/A N/A N/A N/A neverpoll server03 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00
suzieq> exit
Once you finished exploring, you can exit the SuzieQ container.
To learn more about SuzieQ, you can refer to these links:
- Introduction to SuzieQ
- SuzieQ Docs
- Github repo
- Whoop Dee Doo for my SuzieQ! by Claudia de Luna